Go west, young Hun

Prosperity awaits in the land of milk & honey snow & money Why so many Hungarians are clamoring to emigrate to Canada defies logic. Mind you, defying logic has been a national pass time in Hungary for centuries and continues today. On the surface, Canada’s appeal is logical. Canada, like Hungary, has a universal, publicly-funded […]

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Hungary’s Roma ‘refugees’ not winning the country friends in Canada

Hungarians currently top the list of foreign nationalities seeking refugee status in Canada. It is a delicate problem. As far as I know, the Canadian government would like to avoid imposing visa restrictions on Hungarians travelling to Canada because if it did, almost certainly Hungary would reciprocate. On my last two trips, ticket agents at […]

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Defying logic. And gravity.

When it was announced  the Hungarian government was buying a stake in Malev airline, I wrote this column for the Budapest Times. This clearly falls into the ‘duh’ category. For those who don’t know, Malev ceased operations Friday, February 3. I would have posted this sooner but I was in Paris. No, I did not […]

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Waiting for Gábor

I am waiting for the repair man to return. I am waiting to cash in and make a few million. I am waiting for my father to call. I am waiting to hear what issues are important in the next election. I am waiting to settle down. I am waiting for Divine Intervention. I am […]

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Up, out and away.

What came out of Hungary gives Hungarians every right to feel as proud as they do of Hungarian accomplishments, breakthroughs and inventions. However, ‘came out’ is the operative phrase. If we could go back in time, stand at an imaginary Hungarian border du jour, and witness not the exodus of people but of their achievements, […]

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