Getting old in the new age

I don’t know about you but I’m getting to the point where I look at the expiry dates on my credit cards wondering, “I wonder which of us will go first?” I buy groceries and for the first time in my life I look at the ‘best before’ dates. This, for chemically-fortified foods of questionable […]

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In Google we trust

When I receive any mail (be it electronic or paper) containing the tax authority’s logo, I forward it to professionals (lawyers or accountants) or trusted Hungarian friends for translation, maintaining a strict adherence to the axiom of not shooting the messenger. For other random acts of Hungarian mail I have taken up the pastime of […]

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My cell phone is dead. Call it “death by assisted gravity¨. It hit the floor at a greater velocity than if it accidentally had an out of body experience. Call it frustration. Rage. Or kitchen tile target practice. Something. I remember life without cell phones. Actually, they are no longer cell phones; they are handheld mini computers […]

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From bad to worse and into the doghouse.

I love Freud as much as the next person who studied psychology for more than twenty minutes (meaning, I have issues with Freud but regardless, he remains an icon). And just as the name ‘Google’ has become a verb (“Google it”) so has the name ‘Freud’ become a noun. Well, to be precise, it is […]

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