The vapour of love

Love is a powerful emotion but a questionable one at that. It seems it can come out of nowhere; take us out out of our sphere of day-to-day life, lift us to heights we thought we never knew, flutter around like like a bird, bring joy, sorrow, fear, bliss and hollowness, all in the scope […]

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Pigeons and other contradictions

Birds often symbolize peace, love or freedom. Man has always marvelled at birds. In some way, we worship them. How seemingly free they fly, how they navigate and how they sing (or so we call their language) remains a marvel, often a mystery and almost always a thing of beauty. Birds always find their way […]

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The illogical lunacy of love.

First published February 2012, Inter Relocation.  There is nothing sane about love. It is simply a socially-embraced strain of insanity and there is ample evidence to prove the point. For starters, love and subsequent love-driven behaviours are known to have led to the bearing of children, often an emotionally heart-breaking and financially-crippling life-long burden. Where […]

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